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Laying a New Foundation in Plymouth Freemasonry

Devonshire Freemasons wearing regalia in a Lodge room


On Wednesday, 15th June 2024, Nicholas Ball, Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire, attended a regular meeting of the Western District United Service Lodge No. 2258 in Plymouth to witness the lodge perform a Double Initiation Ceremony, which was attended by 65 Brethren and was followed by a most enjoyable festive board. 

During the meeting, the Provincial Grand Master received a cheque in the sum of £1,000, which was presented by the Lodge Charity Steward on behalf of all the members as a donation to the Plymouth Building Fund. 

The Plymouth Building Fund is a key part of the Provincial Grand Master's recruitment and retention strategy.

A newly commissioned Plymouth Building Fund (PBF) Steering Committee, whose members are drawn from various lodges throughout the city, is working with all the Plymouth Lodges and their members to raise sufficient funds to provide a new modern masonic centre in Plymouth. This centre will have sufficient car parking and high-quality amenities so that two or three different meetings can be held simultaneously. 

The Plymouth Central Facility will be a place where members could be proud to invite guests and visitors and a place to encourage new members to join.

It would be welcoming enough to host their wives and partners or to be able to hold Ladies' Festivals, Weddings, Conferences, Banquets, Celebrations or other large Social Events.

The new centre will alleviate some of the ongoing issues experienced by our current Masonic halls, such as the general upkeep of the buildings, lack of parking facilities, commercial pressures, and general governance.

A modern single site will provide a solution to these perennial issues.

If we want to drive Freemasonry forward, we must meet the expectations and needs of our current membership and those who aspire to join us, and that is what we intend to do.

Nicholas Ball believes that his ambitious initiative will benefit Freemasonry in general, so he is working closely with the other Heads of Orders in Devonshire as it is envisaged that this initiative will be rolled out to Plymouth's Royal Arch Chapters and Mark Lodges in the next few months and latterly throughout the Province.

We have already seen the generous Plymouth Masons and their lodges working together for our collective goal, and their wave of optimism and enthusiasm bode well in our quest for a new masonic centre, new members, and a bright future for our very special fraternity.

A Plymouth Building Fund Website: has been set up for anyone who would like to contribute to the scheme or to read details and see progress reports.

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