Building Together is UGLE’s new narrative – a fundamental and useful blueprint for the text and language needed to communicate the benefits and core values of Freemasonry to new and existing members.
The tagline for the narrative reads: Enabling personal growth, building friendships, and supporting communities, through timeless tradition.
The explanation of Why Freemasonry? reads: Freemasonry offers the opportunity to engage with like-minded people from different backgrounds whom you wouldn’t usually meet. Freemasons actively engage in charitable events and activities. They dedicate time, resources and skills to support communities by being part of something that makes a difference to the world. It provides an opportunity to explore your potential through improved self-knowledge and confidence on an enduring foundation of ethical and moral values. Those values, upheld by its members, offer a framework for making better choices in life and living a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.
The core values of the organisation have also been updated and now read:
Honesty, trustworthiness, honour, reliability and conscientiousness form the foundation of a virtuous character. They foster trust, maintain integrity and demonstrate commitment, ultimately leading to a life of strong principles and dependable actions.
Freemasonry gives members many opportunities to make a wide circle of friends for life who share common interests and values. It provides a bond of friendship and sense of belonging. This promotes a feeling of enjoyment and fulfilment.
From its earliest days, Freemasonry has respected the beliefs of its members. It promotes an environment where diversity is valued. It is a space where different beliefs and backgrounds converge, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity, tolerance and harmony.
Whether participating in events, fundraising for a charitable cause or volunteering for public or community organisations, service is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions by donating time, resources and skills.

When the Pro Grand Master launched the Strategy for Freemasonry, 2022 and Beyond at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in December 2022, he announced that, ‘Over the next seven years, we will enhance our reputation as a thriving organisation that people aspire to join and broaden our membership among all age groups.’
It was with this important aim in mind that it was decided that attention needed to be given to how UGLE communicates about itself. What language do we use to describe those particular elements of our Craft that for so long has attracted members from across all levels of society – unrestricted by class, race or religion?
This project was of particular importance, as we continue to expand the number of ways through which we communicate with the public and embrace the ever-changing landscape of new technologies and communication methods.
It was decided that the Members’ Pathway Working Party would be responsible for taking on this challenge, and from that, a small group was chosen to lead on the project. Overseen by Assistant Grand Master Steven Varley and group Chairman Ian Copestake (Provincial Grand Master, Derbyshire), the team was made up of a diverse group of Freemasons, with various backgrounds and levels of experience within the Craft.
Ian Copestake - Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire and Chairman of the Members’ Pathway Working Party
Shaun Butler - Director of Membership and Communications at United Grand Lodge of England
Chris Hirst - Project Manager of the Members’ Pathway and Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London Members’ Pathway Representative
Mark Costelloe - Assistant Provincial Grand Master of East Kent and Deputy Chair of the Members’ Pathway Working Party.
In addition, the group chose to invite John Roscoe to assist with the project. As a psychologist with a wealth of experience, John would play a vital role in the testing of the work with members, with the intention of judging reactions and advising amendments. The group was determined that this project would be properly surveyed and ‘road-tested’ with the right audiences – something that had been lacking from other iterations of the project. The group was also supported by Peter Rees, who shared his considerable expertise on marketing and communications.
Building Together
The Building Together headline has obvious historical links to stonemasons and it was particularly successful when used in the recent UGLE National Digital Marketing Campaign. Knowing this, it made sense for this work to use this headline.

It is impossible for us to encompass every reason that a member could have for becoming a Freemason, but this tagline demonstrates some of the most popular reasons as discovered through extensive surveying of members – personal growth as an individual, the friendships and relationships you gain, the amazing work conducted within our communities to help those in need – all entwined with timeless traditions that we celebrate and enjoy.
Why Freemasonry?
As we continue to communicate about Freemasonry in new and interesting ways, the chances of being asked about being a Freemason will increase. As such, we encourage members to have some thoughts on this prepared for when the question is asked. To assist with this, we have created some text that you can use to describe why you enjoy your Freemasonry.
Core values
You may already be aware of the four core values of United Grand Lodge of England – namely Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Service. It was announced at the September 2023 Quarterly Communication that Charity would be replaced with Service as a core value, to better represent the amazing array of work undertaken by Freemasons, including the many million hours of volunteering every year. In addition to this change, we have also added in some short overviews of why these values are so closely matched to Freemasonry.
What will this narrative be used for?
This language and text will now be used across all UGLE external communication channels and on marketing materials. It is designed to present the best elements of Freemasonry and the most compelling reasons for someone to become a Freemason. It is both an attraction and retention tool, created to provide an enticing and engaging narrative of Freemasonry to both those joining and to keep those who are already members. Members are encouraged to use our Tagline and Values when talking about membership. In the autumn, The Members’ Pathway will be updated and resources will be added. In the meantime, guidance on talking about Freemasonry can be found through this link to: Explaining to others what your membership means to you.
Members are encouraged to use our Tagline and Values when talking about membership. In the autumn, The Members’ Pathway will be updated and resources will be added.