We are all familiar with the phrase 'four seasons in one day' but how many Provincial Grand Masters have delivered 'all four craft ceremonies in one meeting?' Not many I think.
In March, the Provincial Grand Master for Worcestershire Stephen J. Wyer successfully completed these in great style and to the genuine delight of a packed audience gathered to see this unique spectacle.
A stunning fourteen hour meeting saw the ceremonies of initiation, passing, and raising performed. This was then topped off by an Installation ceremony into the Chair of King Solomon. This delightful marathon event turned into an exemplary example of Worcestershire Freemasonry at its very best.
The meeting held at Freemasons' Hall, Kings Heath, Birmingham began with the passing of Brett Lavin, this was then followed by the initiation of Mr Benjamin Allsop-Timmins. A short break for lunch then saw the proceedings recommence with the raising of Brother Kyle Toolan. Finally and perhaps the highlight of the day saw the Installation of Paul Walker into the Chair of Dofra Lodge No. 5775.
The rarity of the occasion made it a day to remember but also offered a reflection point on the wonders of Freemasonry in its many forms. The completeness that was soundly and proficiently demonstrated on the day by all who took part merely served to highlight the beauty of the journey every Mason undertakes.
This was not just a display of excellence but was also the ideal vehicle as a fundraising event for the Festival 2022. Where unknown to the gathered Worcestershire Brethren it proved to be the very occasion where the fundraising target was actually achieved as a result of the sum of £7,000 being raised on the day.
In addition, at the third rising several further cheques were presented totalling over £15,000 for the Festival appeal, pushing the Province well beyond its target. The cheques were from the Lodge of Progress, Worcestershire Masonic Motoring Club, Aedificandum Lodge, and the Worcestershire Chapter of the Widows Sons. Indeed, some £10,000 alone had come from the work by the Worcestershire Masonic Lottery.
At the close of proceedings the event delivered yet another level of success beyond being a simply splendid Provincial occasion. It achieved the goal of advancing Worcestershire Freemasonry. In terms of ceremonial advancement for the individual Brothers concerned, while cementing the future from the proficiency of the workings on the Square. Central to the day was reinforcing that most sacred beats of a Freemason's heart is that of Charity, as illustrated by the fundraising. Finally it united all the Brethren of the Province by seeing leadership in action. Oh wonderful Masons!