As the newest member of East Kent Freemasons Stour Lodge, Ashford, Mitchell Gibbins was joined at the Festive Board via a live Zoom link from the Gold Coast Australia, by his Grandfather Max Gibbins; for a joint Initiates toast with Mitch’s proposer David Mowl.
Max is a very well-known Mason in the Province of East Kent moved to Australia 10 years ago to start a new chapter in his life but has remained an active Free Mason. When his grandson approached him regarding joining Freemasonry, he asked David a lifelong friend, who he had proposed in 1994, if he would propose Mitch into Masonry.
Mitch who is a civil engineer working on the Railway, had expressed a wish to join an Ashford based Lodge; and Stour Lodge having originally been formed by railway workers, was the obvious fit. A few members of Stour met up with Mitch over a beer at the Old Mill Pub last summer. All those who attended were unanimous in thinking that Mitch would make an excellent mason and John West, the lodge Mentor and Membership officer was more than pleased to be his seconder.
David commented,
'Having known Mitch all his life; and in the absence of Max his grandfather, the current Master, Ian Smith agreed it would be possible for me to take the chair to initiate Mitch; I considered this a great privilege and honour'
Unknown to the Members or Mitch, David approached John with an idea of arranging a voice recording of Max to enable him to take some part in the toast at the festive board. John said he could go one step further, as he already had all the equipment to host a live Zoom video link, including a projector and large screen. We started to make plans on how to make it work for both Mitch and Max. John and his wife Lin sorted out the technical issues and arranged a number of test runs with Max at some odd times of day and night! Testing included various locations, with Max standing in his lounge, on the balcony and under a palm tree on the beach!
Other than the Worshipful Master, Director of Ceremonies, Dave and John; no one knew about the live Zoom video link. However, we thought it sensible at the Tuesday Lodge of Rehearsal before the meeting, to let the members know of our plans, as they may have been asking why all the equipment was at the festive board!
The rest is history, it worked an absolute treat, Max joined in proposing the Initiates toast! It was very emotional all round and was a fantastic occasion for the Lodge, but particularly grandfather and grandson. Max would have loved to have been at this special occasion to initiate Mitch himself; but as this was not possible in person, it was achieved virtually. It was an historic moment for the Members of Stour Lodge that were present, to watch Max proudly propose the Toast to the Initiate, all the way from Australia, to his grandson, Mitch.
10,295 Miles - Could this be the longest distance Toast ever?