When a person becomes a Freemason whether male or female, it is normally driven by a personal objective. It may be that a parent, relation, or friend was a member or there is a desire to be involved with charitable activities or to make new friends or any other reason but none of us really know what to expect.
The journey starts with an entry into the Masonic world which leads us to learn about ourselves. We learn ritual and progress into further stages of our Masonic career until we come to that point where we gain the best understanding of ourselves and our inevitable destiny. But along this journey new Freemasons seldom expect to form such a deep bond with Masons of a likeminded characteristic
Brother Charles Devine was always interested in Freemasonry but felt that he did not have the time due to work commitments so, on retirement, he considered it was the right time to fulfil an ambition and having seen various social media campaigns he applied through the ‘Pathway’ scheme and was subsequently introduced to Orsett Lodge which both Charles and the Lodge were extremely delighted with, a perfect match.
When Charles Devine was Initiated on 3 Jun, 2019 into Orsett Lodge, the start of such a bond began and the preparation to progress to the next stage was well underway when the global pandemic impeded this. Nevertheless, Brother Charles continued to build on his connection with Orsett Lodge joining many online Zoom get togethers.
During the pandemic, Charles was diagnosed with lung cancer and like so many his treatment was delayed due to an overwhelmed and overworked NHS but despite the limited treatment he received Charles dealt with his condition in an understated, calm, and dignified manner.
Charles’ Second Degree in Freemasonry was scheduled for April 2022, but his medical treatment had to take priority, therefore he did not progress to the next stage of his Masonic journey until June 2022.
During the pandemic and whilst receiving his treatment, Charles remained extremely keen, learning his words for the next stage of his Masonic journey, and presenting various sections of ritual at a regular meeting. On reflecting back, Bro. Charles said, “focusing on learning ritual was a pleasant distraction and helped me in so many ways to remain optimistic.”
After the start of the new Masonic year in autumn 2022, it had become clear that Charles’ health had noticeably deteriorated, so much so that he was unable to make the regular Lodge meeting in October 2022, notwithstanding his will and determination, but his health had to take priority.
After this meeting, the Lodge Director of Ceremonies, Steve Joyce, was determined to do something about the situation as he knew Charles had a clear aspiration to become a Master Mason, however, it was becoming evident that Charles would probably be too ill to attend the next scheduled meeting in December 2022 at which he could complete his third regular step in Freemasonry, having become wheelchair dependent.
Despite this, Charles attended the October 2022 Orsett Lodge traditional post meeting meal which was an opportunity to explain to Charles a little more about the Third degree in Freemasonry and see whether he wanted to proceed with the ceremony. Charles, with a big grin responded saying “I would love to become a Master Mason before it is too late”
Preparation for the Third-degree ceremony began, and adaptations applied to ensure Charles received the full benefit of the ceremony.
An emergency meeting was arranged, and, with dispensation given by the Provincial Grand Master Paul Tarrant, plans were made to have around 20 people attend with no festive board but a buffet to keep the cost down. Jackie Firman, the Orsett Masonic Hall Manager and Richard Bowyer the Chairman both confirmed that staff would be available and there would be no extra charge for such a special event.
The Provincial Grand Master, Paul Tarrant, had become aware of this meeting and wanted to ensure Brother Charles received the best experience and therefore he informed the Lodge of his intention to attend, accompanied by members of the Provincial Executive and the Provincial Wardens.
On 8 Nov 2022, heavily supported by Henry De Gray Lodge and St Michaels Lodge, over 70 Essex Freemasons attended Brother Charles’ Third Degree ceremony.
The meeting went extremely well, and Brother Charles Devine was overwhelmed by the numbers attending and that the Provincial Grand Master, Paul Tarrant, had taken time out of his extremely busy schedule to make this even more of a special occasion.
The newly raised Master Mason, Brother Charles wanted to make sure that he had his picture taken with everyone in attendance as a memory he could take with him but also something special for his family.
£540 was raised at the meeting with the Provincial Office match-funding with another £500. Brother Charles requested the £1,040 be donated to the Basildon based Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund towards their work supporting families with children fighting cancer.
Fearful that Brother Charles was rapidly deteriorating, Orsett Lodge and the Provincial Office ensured that Brother Charles received his Grand Lodge Certificate which was specially presented to him at home.
Sadly, Master Mason Charles Devine passed to the Grand Lodge above on Fri 25 Nov, having died peacefully at home with his wife and children at his side.
“We wish you farewell in your journey to eternity. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace Charles Devine, our courageous Brother in Freemasonry."