An Armistice Day Tribute took place during the November 10th regular meeting of the Thamesmouth Lodge.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master, Paul Tarrant accompanied by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Geoff Turpin and Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Colin Felton.
The Tribute commenced with the brethren of the Benfleet Lodge joining the tribute and holding their meeting on the same day. Both Lodge Tyler's carried their swords and the Royal British Legion Standard Bearer.
The tribute began with a two minute’s silence, after which the Secretary activated eleven strikes of Big Ben. The Senior Wardens words of remembrance was proceeded with a bugler playing the Last Post. Upon the conclusion of The Senior Wardens speech, the bugler took up playing Reveille to signal it's end.
Afterwards the splendid replica of the Cenotaph had three wreaths laid at it's base. The Provincial Grand Master placed a wreath on behalf of the United Grand Lodge of England, followed by wreaths on behalf of Thamesmouth and Benfleet Lodges, placed by their respective Worshipful Masters, Edd Bennett and Joe Castle.
Following the singing of the first verse of the National Anthem a piper then played and led the Tyler's and Standard Bearer round the Cenotaph followed by members of the Benfleet lodge retiring from the temple which concluded the tribute.
Edd Bennett, resumed with the normal business of the Lodge which included an agenda item to make the Provincial Grand Master an honorary member. He stated that Paul’s father was a past member of Thamesmouth and a notable member of Southend freemasonry. The Lodge had asked Paul on several previous occasions without success but, on this day he graciously accepted.
Following the meeting the members and visitors retired to a hearty Festive Board in which a grand sum of £390 was raised for worthy causes.
This Armistice Day Tribute meeting originated with the lodge Secretary, Alan Brown who sadly passed away just days earlier. Special thanks, therefore, were awarded to the Treasurer, David Head for taking over the responsibility and his hard work behind the scenes in overseeing this special day.
The meeting was a great success and the Thamesmouth members are justly proud, and it is their intention to perform the tribute next year with information being provided nearer the time, should any brethren wish to attend.
A Thamesmouth Lodge member Stephen Zetter constructed the splendid replica of the Cenotaph.