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Brothers in Alms - The Middle East Campaign


Being truly a World War it was fought globally. The Ottoman Empire had joined the Axis and controlled the Middle East. Fighting in this terrain required special skills and our cousins from Australia came to fight with their camel brigade trained in the deserts back home.

war scenes

Australian Encampment in Egypt

Australian Encampment in Egypt

T.E Lawrence

T.E Lawrence

Soldiers in the Desert, Mesopotamia

Soldiers in the Desert, Mesopotamia

Visit of Duke of Connaught to Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 22 May 1918, following the British Armies capture of the city from Turkish troops on 9 December 1917 Hulton Deutsch

Visit of Duke of Connaught

The British Army and Indian troops wash camels in the sea off Rafa, Palestine, c.1914

Soldiers Wash Camels

Building a bridge over a river near the pyramids in Egypt, c.1916

Australian Engineers

Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia

war scenes

The Imperial Camel Corps

The Imperial Camel Corps

T.E Lawrence

T.E Lawrence

British Cavalry on March

British Cavalry on March

Australian Soldiers on Camels in front of the Sphinx, Egypt, c.1915

Australian Soldiers on Camels

Forward scouts of the 9th Hudson’s Horse, an Indian cavalry regiment, April 1917

Ministry of Information

The Imperial Camel Corps, 26 January 1918

Australians in Egypt

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