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The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond

The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond is a clear and direct plan to address the challenges that Freemasonry faces in the next seven years, while also building on the existing success and unique qualities that our organisation possesses.

                                         Main Takeaways

UGLE Strategy Takeaway Bridge between Craft and Royal Arch

The Craft and Royal Arch - We are one organisation

UGLE Strategy Takeaway 'Yes' Attitude

Willing to innovate, a ‘Yes If’ attitude

UGLE Strategy Takeaway Understand & Address Membership Challenge

Addressing the Membership Challenge

UGLE Strategy Takeaway Inclusivity

Masonic rank is not a pre-requisite for involvement

UGLE Strategy Takeaway Sociability Element

Reinforce the sociability of Freemasonry and become an ambassador for the organisation

The Temple:  The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond

The visual representation of The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond is a temple. The temple is symbolically built using the key features of the Strategy, held in place by strong foundations with three columns highlighting the main priorities outlined within.


Click on each element of the Temple to find out more. 
United Grand Lodge of England strategy temple representation
December Quarterly Communication

Pro Grand Master's Address December Quarterly Communication

"In much of what has been said we are rediscovering established ways of working from the past, not inventing new ones, and we should ensure that we re-establish them in as many Lodges and Chapters as we can and where there is an undoubted need we do so. I am sure, Brethren, I may rely on you all to take this forward!"

Read the Pro Grand Master's Address to December Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge via the link below.

September Quarterly Communication

Newport, Wales September Quarterly Communication

"I attended the meeting in Wales and loved the event, having travelled all the way from the District of Madras. It was a great experience meeting members from various Provinces and exchanging views on what we can collectively work on to attract modern men into our order."

Explore further details about the September QC in Newport, Wales, including member-shared experiences, by accessing the link below.

1723 Constitutions Anniversary UGLE

1723 Constitutions Anniversary

2023 marked the tercentenary of the publication in London of The Constitutions of the Freemasons – the ‘1723 Constitutions’ – whose Enlightenment principles provide the philosophical foundations of modern Freemasonry. 

The occasion was commemorated with events in England, Europe and America. The Especial Meeting of Grand Lodge, convened at Freemasons' Hall in London on the 31st January, attracted a gathering of over 1,600 attendees, including Grand Masters and Representatives from American and European Grand Lodges, and the Grand Masters of the Order of Women Freemasons and HFAF – Freemasonry for Women.

Archway Royal Arch

Royal Arch Archway

Archway was launched as a resource for Royal Arch Chapters, aimed at guiding and enhancing their trajectory. Its primary objective is to assist in shaping their future, fostering membership growth, and enriching the experience of their members. 

It contains a selection of practical suggestions and case studies to help Chapters achieve these goals.

The Members' Pathway


Members' Pathway chart


The Members' Pathway provides an overall framework that will help Lodges to:

  • Plan Lodge and membership development
  • Attract and welcome new members
  • Engage with new and existing members to reduce losses
  • Retrieve find ways to encourage those who have drifted away to rekindle their interest.

The aim is to assist all Lodges to become vibrant and so enjoyable that everyone looks forward to attending the next meeting! 

The Members' Pathway is now presented in a cyclical format, to emphasise that it is a continuous process, but with greater focus on planning and engagement. There are three levels of information:

  • The leaflet attached to this article
  • Quick Start Guides (provided in hard copy format, as well as click and view online)
  • Detailed guidance (click and view online only)

The leaflet gives an overview of:

  • Hub (the core of the Members' Pathway)
  • Elements (the individual parts)
  • Threads (brief descriptions of the content of each element).

The Hub contains the four main areas of membership activity: Plan, Attract, Engage and Retrieve. Each of these areas is broken down into Elements and then further expanded into Threads. It is presented in this format to direct the user to the specific support materials they need. 


Discover the Members’ Pathway

“Over the next seven years, we will enhance our reputation as a thriving organisation that people aspire to join and broaden our membership among all age groups.”

Jonathan Spence, Pro Grand Master

Jonathan Spence Solomon Live interview

Freemasons' Hall Governance Structure

United Grand Lodge Governance Structure

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